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Children's Sedation Dentistry

Posted on 9/5/2022 by Evan
Children's Sedation DentistrySedation dentistry is the practice of sedating a kid while receiving dental care. Sedation may also be used when several treatments must be carried out concurrently, when a child's safety may be in jeopardy, or if your child has a strong gag reflex. It is important to realize that the sedative does not make you feel better or take away your pain. After administering an anesthetic, the dentist will give your child a shot or a series of injections to keep the treatment area pain-free throughout and after the procedure. The sedative may continue to operate for up to 6 hours after the surgery is finished.

At Home Care

When kids come out of anesthesia, they have different reactions. Your child can cry, get angry or confused, feel sick or even throw up. When the sedative's effects wear off, these reactions will subside because they are common.

After being discharged from the hospital, your child should take it easy for the rest of the day because they might continue to feel queasy. Your child's nose, mouth, and throat may feel numb for up to two hours following the procedure. Your child's mouth and gums may hurt for a few days following a dental procedure, depending on the procedure. Be cautious when your youngster ingests meals and beverages for about two hours after the procedure. Watch out for any mouth or tongue biting. Your child should only eat soft meals for the first few hours following a dental operation that requires anesthesia. Your child is not permitted to return to daycare or school on that day. After returning home, your child should unwind for the remainder of the day.

Follow Up

After the procedure, you will be requested to visit our office so you can be with your child until the medication starts working. Since different kids require varying lengths of time to become alert, the length of time it takes for the drug to start to wear off will vary. Call our clinic today for additional details.
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