How do you choose between sedation options? This can be confusing because there are several terms used to refer to sedation dentistry, including sedation dentistry, sleep dentistry, sedation dentistry and cosmetic dentistry, and sedation procedures such as nitrous oxide, intravenous (IV) conscious sedation and oral conscious sedation. All of these techniques are used to provide you with a relaxed experience during your dental visit. Understanding the difference between the techniques will help you make an informed decision about which technique will work best for you when you need to have dental treatment performed.
Types of sedation
There are several different sedative options for your dentist to choose from. This is because dental offices that specialize in sedation dentistry follow their own protocols to ensure patient safety. Here's an overview of each type: Oral Sedatives: Oral sedatives refer to any prescription medication taken before your appointment by mouth. When taken properly, these medications can relax patients while keeping them awake and responsive. The main advantage to using oral sedative drugs is they are safe when used as directed by a doctor. Side effects may occur if it's not used correctly or patients take other drugs that interact negatively with these drugs so discuss any concerns about possible side effects with your dentist prior to beginning treatment.
How is the process of sedation?
Before you can understand how sedation is done, it is best to know what sedation actually means. In simple terms, sedatives are substances that reduce arousal and anxiety in a person. When used as part of dentistry procedures, they help people remain calm and still during treatment. This allows them to be comfortable while undergoing dental procedures that would otherwise cause some level of anxiety and discomfort.
Advantages of sedation.
Sedation and relaxation is an important part of getting a dental procedure done. It can help alleviate anxiety about having dental work done and reduce overall discomfort during treatment. While sedated, you will be able to relax more fully for easier treatment and better healing.
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