Why Do We Suggest Waiting for Half an Hour After Eating to Brush?
Posted on 12/23/2019 by Office
There are three commonly known ways to keep your teeth healthy. The first is to ensure you brush at least two times a day.
The other is to floss on a daily basis in order to get rid of the food substances in between your teeth. The third, and of equal importance, is to ensure that you see a dentist once in every six months for a full mouth cleaning procedure and inspection of your oral health.
How Many Times Should I Brush My Teeth In One Day?
There is not one single oral health formula that works for everyone in the world. Typically, we will advise you on a routine that works for most people and tell you how to maintain healthy teeth. However, there are people who believe that you need to brush your teeth every single time you eat and follow this routine religiously. This is okay but could sometimes wear out the outer part of your tooth. The best thing would be to rinse your mouth with water to wash down food particles between brushings.
Why Should I Wait Half an Hour Before Brushing?
It is best to wait at least thirty minutes after eating to brush your teeth so that you can help reduce the friction and erosion process. Sometimes, the food and beverages we consume have citric acids, which soften the enamel of the tooth and could cause damage when brushing occurs.
Are you unsure about your oral health care routine and would like to learn more? Don't feel bad, you're not alone. As we get older, or oral health needs change, and so do the ways that we recommend our patients care for their teeth. We would love to sit down with you and help create an oral healthcare routine that best suits your particular oral health needs.
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