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Ways of Keeping Your Tongue Clean to Avoid Bad Breath

Posted on 9/24/2018 by Office
CavitiesDavis Dental Practice CA 95618-7760Do you suffer from bad breath, even after regular brushing of your teeth? Do not worry, you are not alone! Bad breath is a common dental health problem, and we have met our own share of people suffering from it, just like you.

What most people do not realize is that bad breath is usually caused by an unclean tongue, which allows a group of sulfur-producing bacteria to breed on its surface. Therefore, you can easily remedy your situation by cleaning your tongue, which will help you avoid any more embarrassing social interactions.

But how can you clean your tongue effectively? Below are our handpicked ways of keeping your tongue clean.

Brushing Your Tongue As You Are Brushing Your Teeth

During brushing, some people tend to focus too much on their teeth and forget or pay little attention to the tongue. This should not be the case. When brushing your teeth, make sure you pay attention to your tongue.

The brushing will help to remove the odor-causing bacteria. Applying toothpaste on the surface of the tongue before brushing it is a good idea, as it helps to neutralize the bacteria. And when you are done, remember to thoroughly rinse your mouth.

Using a Tongue Scraper - And In An Effective Manner

Using a tongue scraper is another effective way of keeping your tongue clean - and doing away with bad breath. The scraper will get rid of the thin mucus-based layer on the tongue, where the odor-causing bacteria breeds. Just remember, only use a clean and hygienic scrapper, and do not overdo the scrapping.

Using Mouthwash

On top of brushing your tongue and using a scrapper, it is also a good idea to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash. This helps to get rid of any leftover bacteria, as well as neutralizing the bad odor.

However, you should take care when using alcoholic mouthwashes, as too much can lead to a dry mouth – which promotes the growth of oral bacteria. As an alternative, you can use saline (salt water) or nonalcoholic mouthwashes.

Eating Lots of Fresh Vegetables And Fruits

Fresh fruits and vegetables help to keep your tongue clean by combating oral bacteria. Some of these fruits and vegetables also leave a pleasant scent, which helps to mask the bad breath. Examples of fruits and vegetables you should regularly indulge in include – apples, cucumbers, carrots, watermelons, etc.

Drinking Lots of Water

Oral bacteria thrive in dry mouth. Therefore, keeping your mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water during the day helps to prevent their growth. Drinking water regularly will also rinse your mouth – including the tongue – which gets rid of odor-causing bacteria.

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem in social situations. However, with the above techniques, you can keep your tongue clean and the bad breath away.

But if the situation persists, do not hesitate to pay us a visit.

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