Why You Need to Make Sure Your X-rays are Never More Than One Year Old
Posted on 12/3/2018 by Office
X-rays have significantly helped to improve the provision of oral health services. We are able to decide the right treatment to administer by analyzing the x-ray images.
However, it is important to make sure that the x-rays are never more than one year old. This is because you cannot see changes as easily when comparing the x-rays. Here are some facts to note about dental x-rays.
Accurate Diagnosis The traditional dental equipment had no ability to assess the inner condition of the gums and jawbone. Luckily, x-rays help us to jump this hurdle, get a clear picture of the underlying jawbone, and gum tissue. The images help us to know the degree of tooth decay or any other problem and determine the ideal treatment for you.
Without x-ray it would be almost impossible to diagnose some dental problems such as tooth abscess, failing restorations, and recurrent decay. It is also important to note that most symptoms only become visible when the problem has progressed to the secondary stage and is already causing notable pain and discomfort. Based on this fact, it is recommended to come for regular checkups to maintain your healthy smile.
Safety Contrary to popular belief, dental x-rays are 100% safe. The level of radiation, especially from the new digital x-ray equipment, is very low. Before the x-ray is done, we always discuss the entire process with our clients to assist them understand the reasons for it and what they should expect.
Get in touch with us today for professional and affordable dental care services. Our personnel are extensively trained and licensed to offer the services, so, rest assured that you are in safe hands. We will discuss the procedure in detail to help you get a clear perspective of it before the appointment day.
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