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Does Any Type of Wine Stain Teeth Less?

Posted on 5/25/2020 by Office
Does Any Type of Wine Stain Teeth Less?
If you love to drink wine, you may wonder if certain wines stain the teeth less than red wine. White wine can also stain the teeth as it erodes the enamel. However, you usually will not have as much trouble with stains, as you do with red wine. Read the following information. It can be helpful to you if you are a wine connoisseur or enjoy drinking red wine.

Why Does Red Wine Stain the Teeth?

If you are someone who is susceptible to wine stains, it usually is because of genetics or the way you take care of your teeth. In general, red wine stains the teeth because of its acidity. The acid in the drink degrades the enamel so the surface of the teeth becomes less even. The wine contains anthocyanins, which give the wine its color. The tannins in the beverage promote the pigments in the wine to bind to the enamel. White, wine also contains acid and tannins, albeit not near as much as red wine. Therefore, your teeth will not stain from white wine itself, but from other foods or beverages you consume with the wine.

How to Prevent Problems with Stains

If you want to drink red wine without worrying about stains, you need to brush your teeth before you order a glass. Doing so will remove the plaque on the teeth – a film that draws red wine pigments on the surface. Because brushing can also scratch the enamel, like the red wine, you should brush your teeth about 30 minutes before you drink the vino. Do not do this in between servings. Also, eating while drinking red can help. For example, if you eat cheese, or a protein, you can set up a barrier against stains. Therefore, help yourself to the cheese that is offered when you sip the Pinot.
While white wines, such as chardonnays, do not stain the teeth, they still make them susceptible to dark pigments. That is why you should never drink white wine and switch to drinking red wine later in the evening. A dark wine, as you might suspect, will leave darker stains while you can avoid this issue with a white wine. If you must drink a red wine, choose a lighter-bodied selection, such as a Pinot Noir – which will not leave as a dark of pigments as a red wine like a cabernet. We can help you get rid of any ensuring stains or prevent future stains. Contact us today for further information and to set an appointment for a checkup and consultation.

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