How You Treat Toothaches Until Your Dental Appointment
Posted on 2/12/2018 by Office
A toothache can make you uncomfortable because of the pain you experience. There is an underlying cause making your tooth to ache and unless a checkup and treatment is offered, you will just have to live with the pain.
Common causes of toothache include erosion of the enamel, gum disease, and tooth decay. It is important to realize that, toothache, once it has started, it may not go away and it will likely get worse over time.
We can help you when you have toothache that is making your life miserable. But before your appointment with us, there are ways you can treat toothache.
OTC Pain Relievers
Before you slot in a dentist visit to your schedule, you can temporarily help relieve pain by taking OTC medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. What you want to know is that you shouldn't swallow the pain relievers as you normally do. Some people make a mistake of putting the medicines on their gums, this can cause damage to the soft tissue of the mouth.
Salt Water and Garlic
A toothache may be caused by bacteria, so you want to gargle salt water around the mouth. This helps clean out the infected area, it also loosens food particles that may be present in your mouth. Using salt water may relieve pain, but again, it depends on what is causing the toothache. Garlic helps inhibit bacteria growth, thus relieving pain.
Toothaches only get worse the more you wait to get treatment. If you have toothache and you need to relieve pain as you plan to visit us, you can use the above remedies in addition to clove or peppermint oil.
Clove and peppermint oils are essential oils that contain numbing or anesthetic properties to relieve pain. Schedule an appointment with us to check what is causing the toothache, we want to make sure you are back to your normal activities as soon as possible.
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