Our primary goal is to prevent serious dental problems from developing. Taking care of your oral health is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Scientific studies have concluded issues that begin in your mouth, can spread to other parts of your body if you don't take care of them.
Advantages of Preventative Dentistry
There are many reasons why you should come and see us regularly. The main reason being we can usually treat you quickly when we catch a problem in its initial stages. The longer you wait, the longer the treatment. Here are some reasons why preventative dentistry is essential.
Avoid severe dental problems. The mouth is full of active bacteria that can damage the surface of your teeth. Once the enamel, which covers the tooth, is breached by bacteria, plaque can stick to it and damage it further. Plaque is the sticky residue that accumulates on the enamel and can create problems like gum disease. When not treated, this condition could result in tooth loss.
Making treatment easier on the patient. When you come in for your regular checkups, we not only clean your teeth, but we examine you for things like oral cancer. Most oral conditions can be treated successfully if caught early, which makes things easier for you.
Saving money. The longer the treatment, the more expensive. If you have been neglecting your oral health, chances are, you have several problems that we need to treat. Those can add up to a lot of money, especially if you don't have dental insurances.
As with anything related to your health, preventative dentistry can not only save you from uncomfortable treatment where you must spend a lot of time on the chair with your mouth open wide, but it can also save you a lot of money. Don't neglect your oral health, call us today!
About Us | Dentist Davis, CA | Davis Dental Practice At Davis Dental Practice, we strive to develop long-lasting, trusting relationships with all of our patients. Click here to learn more about us and call today! Davis Dental Practice, 2800 5th Street, Suite 100 Davis, CA 95618 : (530) 756-5300 : davisdentalpractice.com : 1/6/2025 : Page Keywords: dentist Davis CA :