What Are the Treatments For Broken And Cracked Teeth?
Posted on 11/7/2022 by Evan
A cracked tooth, broken tooth, or fractured tooth is when a crack develops in your tooth. Your tooth may fracture due to a little crack or a larger one. Although anybody can have a tooth crack, older people and youngsters are more likely to suffer tooth fractures.
In addition to age, a cracked tooth may result from an accident chewing hard food and a sudden temperature change in your mouth. A dentist can repair a cracked tooth through treatments like:
Dental Cap or Crown
If a large portion of the tooth has broken off or has a great deal of decay, the orthodontist may grind or file away a part of the remaining tooth before casing it with a crown, a tooth-shaped cap designed to protect the tooth and improve its attractiveness.
Dental Veneers
If a front tooth has been chipped or fractured, a dental veneer can restore its appearance, health, and wholeness. Veneers are the thin, tooth-colored coatings of resin composite material used to cover the entire front part with a larger area to cover the fractured portion of the tooth.
Root Canal Therapy
If your teeth are severely chipped exposing the pulp, the bacteria found in the mouth cause an infection in the pulp which is the center of the tooth and contains nerves and blood vessels. It is essential to remove the dead pulp, alleviating the risk of infection and extraction. Once cleaning is completed, the dentist will proceed to seal the root canal.
Dental Filling/Bonding
If only a tiny bit of tooth enamel has chipped off, your dentist could use a filling to fix the damage. If the repair is to a front tooth or can be seen when you smile, your dentist will probably utilize a bonding technique, which uses tooth-colored composite resin to fill the fracture.
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